Thomas Anderson

singer, songwriter, rock 'n' roller


an album by Thomas Anderson

track listing:

(C) (P) 2016 Thomas Anderson / Angry Young Grad Student Music

All songs written and performed by Thomas Anderson and recorded on a Tascam DP-24, except "Chelsea Grail," which was recorded on a Tascam 424 4-track cassette deck.

Produced by Thomas Anderson.

Mixed by Thomas Anderson except for "Dolceola Glory" and "All the Cool People Have Left the Party," which were mixed & mastered by Dale Lawton.

Album mastered by Michael McCarty.

Tray liner photo by Kent Vaubel.

Graphic Design by Jeff Borchman.

Thank you: Ryan, Maffei, Dale Lawton, Mark Tyler, Jeff Borchman, the Million Sellers, Michael McCarty, Captain Stormfield.

For my mother, Barbara Marie Anderson (1928-2013).

Thomas Anderson
P.O. Box 5463
Austin, TX 78763-5463

cover of the album 'Heaven', by Thomas Anderson